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$2.00 per month
- Star Adopter Discord Title
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- Access to the Members only Channel in Discord
- 30% off all items in store
$5.00 per month
- 30% off all items in store
- Star Adopter Discord Title
- Behind the Scenes Blog Posts
- Scrolling Credits on Stream
- Movie Night Suggestion Priority
- Access to the Members only Channel in Discord

$20.00 per month
Seriously you don't get anything special for having this. It's just for funsies.
- Star Adopter Discord Title
- 30% off all items in store
- Behind the Scenes Blog Posts
- Scrolling Credits on Stream
- Movie Night Suggestion Priority
- Access to the Members only Channel in Discord
- Secret
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Your gift will be given away live at twitch.tv/fawnlace!
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